Assessment Centres

Have you ever hired someone who looked great on paper, only to find that they fail to perform in the workplace?

Assessment centres involving work simulations and psyhometric assessments offer a transparent means of observing how an individual approaches work relevant tasks. Not only do assessment centres offer you the opportunity to see the candidate in action, but they also offer the candidate a realistic job preview.

Having taken part in an assessment centre, the successful candidate(s) will have clear expectations about the role.

Work Simulations: Simulations provide an accurate prediction of what the candidate will actually do in the workplace.

Culture Fit: Ensure a good fit between the candidate and the organisation for better retention.

Graduates: Identify future leadership talent from a pool of graduates.

Volume Testing: Efficiently process a large number of applicants.


Our Options

  • PSI AC-EXS® Assessment and Development Centre Exercises

    The world’s widest range of ready-to-use assessment and development centre exercises.

    Covering all work situations, our business simulation exercises and group exercises use multiple competencies, industry sectors, business functions and career levels, saving you time and money previously spent on bespoke design.

  • Bespoke Assessment and Development Centre Exercise Design

    We can design an assessment and development centre exercises which are unique to your organisation. These can be used any number of times and are guaranteed to give you the most reliable insight into how successful candidates will perform once in the role.

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Psychometric Assessment


360 Degree Feedback Surveys